Truth About Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas, Dorothy Dandridges Daughter

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was the daughter of Dorothy Dandridge, a famous American actress, singer, and dancer. She was born on September 2, 1943, and died in 2003 at the age of 60.

Harolyn was born with severe brain damage that made her spend almost her entire life with caretakers or in mental institutions in the USA. The condition limited her speech and even made it hard for her to acknowledge her parents. But her mother is reported to have loved her wholeheartedly regardless.

Summary of Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’s Biography 

  • Full name: Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: September 2, 1943
  • Died: 2003
  • Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’s Age at death: 60
  • Ethnicity: African-American
  • Nationality: American
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’s Parents: Dorothy Dandridge and Harold Nicholas
  • Famous for: Being Dorothy Dandridge and Harold Nicholas’s daughter

Dorothy Dandridge’s Daughter, Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas, Was Born in California

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was born on the 2nd day of September 1943 and her star sign was Virgo. She was born in Los Angeles, California, and according to some reports, this was where she lived out all her life.

Because of who her parents were, Harolyn was clearly born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her famous mother ensured she had all she needed and gave her the necessary care meant to help her navigate life with her severe medical condition.

Her Parents Were Both Entertainers

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’s parents were both entertainers. Her mother, Dorothy Dandridge, was an American actress, singer, and dancer, who made history by becoming the first African-American film star to receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. This was in recognition of her performance in the 1954 film Carmen Jones. Dandridge’s career also included vocal performances in venues like the Cotton Club and the Apollo Theater.

In her early career, she was part of the group The Wonder Children (which later became The Dandridge Sisters) and appeared in a series of films, often in uncredited roles. In 1959, Dandridge received a Golden Globe nomination for her role in Porgy and Bess. Her life was later depicted in the 1999 biographical film, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge. She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to the entertainment industry.

On the other hand, Harolyn’s father, Harold Nicholas, was also an American entertainer who was primarily a tap dancer. He was one half of the famous tap-dancing duo, the Nicholas Brothers. Along with his older brother Fayard Nicholas, they were recognized as two of the most talented dancers in the world. Harold showcased his skills in several musical productions, including An All-Colored Vaudeville Show (1935), Stormy Weather (1943), The Pirate (1948), and The Five Heartbeats (1991).

The Nicholas Brothers were known for their unique style of tap dancing, which was characterized by their athletic and acrobatic moves, such as high leaps, splits, and flying splits. They also incorporated different dance styles, such as jazz, swing, and ballet, into their performances, which made them stand out at a time when tap dancing was becoming less popular.

Harolyn’s Parents Had A Tumultuous Marriage

According to our findings, Harolyn’s parents first met in the early 1940s at the prestigious Cotton Club, where Dorothy Dandridge was performing and they got talking. They soon found out they shared a lot in common, including their love for dancing.

They later exchanged vows in a Hollywood ceremony on September 6, 1942, surrounded by close friends and family, as well as several notable guests, including Oscar-winning actress Hattie McDaniel, jazz singer Etta Jones, and famed choreographer Nick Castle. However, despite the high-profile nature of their wedding, however, the marriage between Dandridge and Nicholas was plagued with difficulty from the start.

This was because Nicholas was known for his womanizing ways and his inattentiveness to his wife, which took a toll on their relationship. As the years went on, their unhappiness only grew, and they eventually separated in 1949.

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas Was Born With A Brain Injury

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was the only child that was born to her parents during their tumultuous marriage. Regrettably, she was born with a brain injury that would greatly impact her life from day one till the day she died. According to our findings, on September 2, 1943, about a year after her marriage to Harold Nicholas, Dorothy Dandridge, who was heavily pregnant, went into labor, while at her sister-in-law’s house.

Desperate to get to the hospital, Dorothy found herself in a difficult position when she realized that her husband had taken their car and had gone into town to play golf. She did her best to delay the birth so that her husband could return to take her to the hospital, but this ended up causing a lack of oxygen to reach Harolyn’s brain, resulting in permanent damage.

According to Geraldine Branton, Dorothy’s sister-in-law and close confidante, the guilt that Dorothy felt over the situation never left her. She blamed herself for her daughter’s condition and believed that if she had gone to the hospital sooner and not waited for her husband, her daughter would have been born safe and healthy. Geraldine said Dorothy struggled with the belief that she was responsible for her daughter’s condition every day of her life, and no amount of reassurance could convince her otherwise.

Details About Harolyn’s Kind Of Brain Injury

At first, after Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was born, she appeared to be a healthy baby. But as the days went by, it became increasingly clear that she was not. Her mother, Dorothy Dandridge, began to notice that her daughter wasn’t developing at the same rate as other children her age. Dorothy then met with doctors who ran a number of tests on the baby.

Eventually, after a brain scan was conducted, it was discovered that Harolyn had cerebral anoxia, a type of brain damage resulting from oxygen deprivation at birth. Dorothy was told that her decision to not rush to the hospital immediately after she went into labor caused her daughter’s condition. This devastated her beyond words. Harolyn’s brain damage resulted in significant challenges throughout her life.

Her mother later explained that Harolyn had no concept of time and didn’t even recognize her as her mother. She also never went to any school as she did not have the capability to handle education considering her condition.

Harolyn’s Father Abandoned Her At Age 5

Harolyn’s relationship with her father, Harold Nicholas, was strained from the very beginning. Reports indicate that Nicholas was an absent and uncaring father who had little interest in his daughter’s well-being. In fact, some reports even say that when Dorothy Dandridge went into labor, Nicholas actually left her stranded at her sister-in-law’s home without a car and went to have an affair with her best friend, and not to play golf as is generally believed.

His absence during his wife’s labor caused heated arguments between Nicholas and Dorothy and this continued for a while. By 1948, the marriage between the couple had completely fallen apart, and Nicholas abandoned his family when Harolyn was only five years old. This left Dorothy to raise Harolyn on her own, and the added responsibility of caring for a child with a disability made this a daunting task.

Despite all of these obstacles, Dandridge never gave up on her daughter. She was determined to provide her with the best possible life, and she worked tirelessly to ensure that her needs were met.

She Could Not Speak Until She Was Four Years Old

As Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas grew older, it became more and more evident that her medical condition was really serious. In fact, according to reports, she was unable to utter a single word until she was about four years old. She also struggled really hard to understand anything or even recognize those around her, even her parents.

Harolyn’s mother, then decided to consult with child psychoanalysts who suggested that her daughter’s lack of speech was due to psychological damage inflicted by Dandridge and her husband’s frequent travels for work. They explained that since Dorothy and Nicholas traveled often for work, it left a gaping gap in Harolyn’s life. They suggested that she spend more time with Harolyn.

However, Dorothy Dandridge’s concerns only grew stronger, leading her to take her daughter to a doctor who calmly explained that it was Harolyn’s brain injury that was responsible for her inability to speak. Her condition was a source of great distress to her mother, who felt responsible for what had happened.

The Public Never Knew About Her Condition Until She Was 20 Years Old

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’ mother, Dorothy Dandridge was already popular in the USA when she was born. However, despite her fame, Dorothy kept her daughter’s condition a secret for many years and never let the general public know what was going on. She was fiercely protective of her child and made sure that details about her condition were not made public.

It wasn’t until 1963, when Harolyn was about 20 years old, that Dorothy finally spoke publicly about her daughter’s condition during an appearance on The Mike Douglas Show. This was a significant moment as it marked the first time that the public became aware of Harolyn’s struggles. Her decision to speak out was hailed by many as a brave one and it opened up a conversation about disabilities and challenged the societal stigma surrounding them.

It’s important to note that Dandridge’s decision to keep Harolyn’s condition private was not an indication of shame or embarrassment. Rather, it was a decision made out of love and concern for her daughter’s privacy and well-being. She later explained that as a mother, she wanted to protect her child from the potential negative attention that might come with being in the public eye.

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas Lived In Care Homes For Most Of Her Life

Because Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas was born with a medical condition that made her life far from typical, she clearly required constant care and attention. This made it difficult for her mother, Dorothy Dandridge, to balance her acting career with the responsibility of taking care of her. As a result, doctors recommended that Harolyn be placed with a caretaker who had medical knowledge and could provide her with the attention she required.

Dorothy agreed to the arrangement and placed Harolyn with a caretaker. Despite the separation, Dorothy continued to pay substantial sums to the caretaker to ensure that Harolyn received the best care possible. Unfortunately, Dorothy’s career and personal life later took a turn for the worse, and she faced financial difficulties that made it very difficult for her to continue paying for Harolyn’s care. In fact, in 1963, Dorothy was forced to declare bankruptcy, and she could no longer afford to pay Harolyn’s caretaker.

As a result of Harolyn’s caretaker could no longer provide the necessary care and attention that Harolyn needed. Thus, the caretaker contacted Dorothy, stating that she could no longer care for Harolyn unless the fees were paid. Unfortunately, Dorothy was unable to make the payments and consequently, Harolyn was returned to her mother’s doorstep. It was a tough time for both mother and daughter.

Despite her financial struggles, Dorothy understood that Harolyn needed proper care and treatment, and she wanted the best for her. But, without the means to provide for her, she had no choice but to commit her to a state institution where she could receive the necessary care and attention. While Harolyn was institutionalized, Dorothy remained involved in her life, visiting her regularly and keeping in touch with the staff at the institution to ensure that she was receiving proper care.

However, this routine did not last long because Dorothy sadly passed away on September 8th, 1965, just a week after Harolyn’s 22nd birthday. The circumstances surrounding her death were particularly devastating, as she was found to have died from an accidental overdose. Her bank account balance at the time of her death was a mere two dollars, a stark indication of the challenges she had faced in her personal and professional life.

With her mother’s passing, Harolyn was left to navigate the challenges of her condition on her own, without the support of the person who had done her best to care for her. It was a difficult and isolating experience, one that would shape the rest of Harolyn’s life in significant ways.

Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas Died At The Age Of 60 In 2003

Due to the severity of her medical condition and her need for specialized care and support, Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas remained institutionalized for the rest of her life. She was on watch all the time and had to be helped with the smallest things. Despite the best efforts of those around her, Harolyn’s condition prevented her from leading a “normal” life.

Some reports say because she was unable to care for herself or manage basic tasks without assistance, her behavior became unpredictable and challenging to manage. Sometimes, she burst into a rage and screamed at everyone. At other times, she just went completely quiet as if she was numb.

Sadly, Harolyn Suzanne Nicholas’ life came to an end in 2003. She was 60 years old at the time of her death. It was a sad end to a life that had been marked by so much hardship and difficulty, and her passing was felt deeply by those who had known and cared for her at the state institution where she spent the majority of her adult life.
